Ooh, la, la
I was drunk. It was a forfeit. Take a shot of tequila or book yourself into a hostel on the Hostelworld app. I took the latter like any sane person would because you wouldn’t catch me downing a shot of tequila. Not ever.
So now I’m in central Paris. Pretty cool. Smells a bit like drains and urine if you walk down the wrong street but worth going overall. Sightseeing is good. Today I’ve done the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre museum, and I’m currently making my way over to the Eiffel tower for sunset. It’s crazy how hard people got for a three hundred meter iron lattice, but that’s history for you.
I take out my tripod — every solo traveler’s best friend — and set my phone onto it, looking over my shoulder constantly to ensure nobody’s about to swoop by and run off with it. Worth the risk though. If successful, I’ll have a whole bunch of pictures to post on Instagram. My friends will be jealous. Wished they’d done the Hostelworld forfeit instead of the tequila too so they could’ve come.
I’m glad they didn’t though. Turns out I quite enjoy solo travel and the opportunity it brings. Had one of my friends been here right now, snapping the photo for me, I wouldn’t have met Gabriel, the kind, sexy stranger that offered to take some pictures for me.
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