I met her atat aa Sex Party
People think meeting your partner on Hinge is embarrassing.
Wait until you hit them with the: “we met at a sex party,” line. Planes have dropped shorter distances from skies than some of the jaws have from people’s faces when I answer that question.
I’m in London with my mates for the weekend celebrating one of their birthdays. Tracker says to relax, not worry about a thing, because he knows a guy that can get us in somewhere good for a night out, and as commissioner in our fantasy football league, I think great, there’s no cause for concern… until he announces we’re going to some random guy’s house.
“Relax.” He gets up to dump his glass on the desk. Premier Inn, we’re staying. Even that’s better than lodging in some stranger’s gaff for a night. “It’s exclusive. And we’re not talking about some random semi-detached council house down the road an hour from the city. We’re talking Kensington. We’re talking money. A mansion fit with an indoor and outdoor pool.”
“If I wanted a swim,” goes one of my mates, “I’d have booked a flight to Tenerife.”
“And if you wanted to have sex… ?”
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