Bamboo Rafting inin Phang Nga
I was living in Melbourne on a working holiday visa and took a trip to Thailand for two weeks. I was just starting to find my feet, had been in Aus for four months, and decided to uproot my routine and take a trip somewhere new.
I had no interest in dating at the time. I’d been on a handful of Hinge dates with Aussie boys and although chivalry was more in their personality than it was for the guys I dated back home in England, I simply wasn’t interested.
Too career driven.
Independent woman that doesn’t need no man.
You know how it goes.
It’s always when you’re in your carefree, single girl, not-looking-for-a-man-era when you meet a man you very much need.
Not in the I-can’t-live-without-you kinda way.
Just in the pussy palpitations kinda way.
Which I’d never really experienced before.
Until I met Dakila on that goddamn bamboo raft.
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