Finding mymymymy Swiss Sweetheart inininin South America
I had an itch to travel, to be somewhere that didn't involve waking up every morning to grey clouds and depressing BBC weather forecasts.
Nordic CruiseCruiseCruiseCruise
To escape a grey February in London, I booked myself onto a cruise around Norway's islands to explore more of Scandinavia, but things escalated when I met Robin.
Miami – Caribbean Cruise leftleftleftleft memememe wanting more
The Caribbean sea is 7,000 something metres deep - childsplay to the depth Enzo's dick travelled last night inside of me.
Vietnam andandandand Rome
It's true that people do the most off-the-bat shit when they're heartbroken. If my boyfriend of six years didn't cheat on me, I wouldn't be in Vietnam right now soaking up the sun