Love is a package deal

Love isis aa package deal

I never considered myself a romantic, never understood why I should buy a woman flowers if she’s just gonna bin them when they die, but I met Claudia and now order roses to her house every week.

We’re long distance.

And it fucking sucks.

I flew to California alone at twenty-six because I knew I wanted more from my life than a nine-to-five. I graduated university, went straight into work, and for six very tedious years, lived for the same three things every morning: grey, rainy mornings, stationary traffic on the M25 and eight hours of cold calling. I wanted to do something more so I quit my job as soon as my American visa got granted and booked a one way flight to California.

It wasn’t anything special where I worked, just this local coffee shop on the roadside, but the quiet beaches and the ten minute drive away from Big Sur made the ten bucks an hour worth it.

And then I met Claudia.


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